Jesus on Taxes

Excerpted from (website no longer available) (pages 8-9).

This essay contains three hypotheses. The primary thesis is that, contrary to what most people have been led to believe by their church and government leaders, Jesus did not condone taxation nor endorse the concept of the nation-state when he said ‘render unto Caesar therefore the things which are Caesar’s.” If the essay succeeds in persuading some readers of that one point, we are confident those who read it with an open mind will be persuaded, our research, writing and prayers will be vindicated.

The second hypothesis is this: Jesus taught and lived by principles diametrically opposed to government and taxes. If that is true, then those who would live their lives according to the principles Jesus taught will neither collect, receive, nor voluntarily pay taxes, nor be involved with the state in any way that can possibly be avoided.

Finally, although Jesus died of his own volition in compliance with his Father’s will in order to save mankind from sin, which may be the most important fact to know about Jesus, our third hypothesis holds that it is likely and eminently logical to believe that Pontius Pilate crucified Jesus for teaching his disciples that taxation is condemned by God’s commandment, Thou shalt not steal. Pilate obviously didn’t kill Jesus to save mankind from sin, although Jesus died for that purpose. Did he die to save us from taxes? If, as this essay shows, taxes are sinful because they violate God’s Commandment, it follows as night follows day that indeed he did.

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