How I Became a Voluntaryist


If you believe –

  1. that the initiation of force is wrong;
  2. that the institution of government relies on initiatory violence against peaceful people; and
  3. that taxation is stealing

– then you meet the basic definition of being a voluntaryist.

In addition, voluntaryists endorse the following Statement of Purpose:

Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society. We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy. Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends.

If you are reading this page and consider yourself a voluntaryist, then you are invited to write an article on ‘how you became a voluntaryist.’ If you prefer video, we would love to receive your three to 8 minute video describing how you became a voluntaryist! Please use our Contact page to let us know.

An Anonymous Lawyer: How I Became a Voluntaryist
Anonymous: A Natural Born Skeptic
Block, Walter: Rand & Rothbard
Boren, Richard: Andrew J. Galambos and How I Became a Voluntaryist
Bos, Peter: My “Road to Freedom”
Brand, Joyce: My Journey to Voluntaryism
Brewer, Devon: Rediscovering the Golden Rule
Callaway, Susan: My Perfect Christmas
Carabini, Louis E.: How I Became a Voluntaryist
Cody, Beth: The Author’s Story Behind LOOKING BACKWARD:2162-2012
Crovelli, Mark: How I Became a Libertarian Anarchist
Cuellar, Danilo: Peacefully Rejecting the Accepted Rites of My Enslavement
De Vincentiis, Zeynep Gulin: Life Has Its Own Mysterious Ways of Getting You Somewhere
Dunbar, Kevin: My Journey
Dutkiewicz, Rick: Bircher Grandma to Voluntaryist Grandson
Estes, Charles: We Never Called Him “Andy” My Recollections of the Person and Philosophy of the Earlier Joseph A. Galambos Alias Andrew Joseph Galambos— The Liberal
Eyre, Peter: ‘A’ Was For America: My Journey to Voluntaryism
Fuller, Kurt: Evolution to Voluntaryism
Harbeson, Debbie: A Self-Educated Chicken
Henderson, Hanford: The Aristocratic Spirit
Henry, Elijah J.: How an Airborne Ranger Became a Voluntaryist
Higgs, Robert: What Is the Point of My Libertarian Anarchism?
James, Kelly: Rebel With a Cause – How I Became a Voluntaryist
Julien, Diego: How I Became an Autarchist And Why I Am Now a Voluntaryist
Knaebel, Jeff (with Watner, Carl): How I Became A Voluntaryist: A Farewell to Tax-Financed Murder
Knight III, Alex R.: From Vagueness to Voluntaryism: How I Got From There to Here
Knudson, Ken: Anarchist’s Progress
Licher, Lloyd: Lloyd Licher’s Last Lecture
Lowi, Alvin: Voluntary Government as a Marketable Service: Reminiscences on the History of an Idea
Lynn: From Navy-wife to Nurse to House-flipper to Voluntaryism: How I Got There
MacCallum, Spencer: Looking Back and Forward
Markel, Yaakov: A Stateless Jew
Marshall, Luke: A Voluntaryist Before Age Fifteen
McElroy, Wendy: Voluntaryism: Some Personal Reminisciences
McManigal, Kent: As a Kid I Loved Freedom
Mencken, H.L.: H.L. Mencken
Netterville, Ned: My Winding Road to Voluntaryism
Newby, Ryan: Why I’m a Voluntaryist
Patterson, Steve: From Conservative to [Free-Market] Anarchist (Voluntaryist)
Payne, James: My Route to Voluntaria
Ragnar, Peter: “So, What Is It About ‘No’ That You Don’t Understand…?”
Rich, Andrea: My Path to Laissez Faire Books and Voluntaryism
Roscoe, John: How and Why I Became a Libertarian
Rose, Larken: My Deprogramming
Rothbard, Murray: How Murray Rothbard Became an Anarchist (not a voluntaryist)
Scotese, Dave: Seeking Consistency: How I Arrived at Voluntaryism
Shepard thinks…: Gregarious Gunner for Peace
Shepard, The Voluntaryist: Seeking and Sifting for Truth
Smith, George H.: Abolitionism and Modern Voluntaryism
Speers, Ben: Conscience of a “Former” Conservative
Ver, Roger: Roger Ver’s Journey to Voluntaryism
Warren, Josiah: Clearing My Mind: My Path to Voluntaryism
Watner, Carl: Something to Do with the Search for Truth
Woods, Larry: My 12 Steps to Becoming a Voluntaryist




Abel, Charlie: Politics is Rotten
A Grateful Subscriber: My Evolution as a Voluntaryist
Anonymous: What My Father Taught Me
Bayer, Kris: My Sense of Justice Revised
Buhl, Andrew: How I Became a Voluntaryist
Duncan, Don: My Political and Economic Re-Education
Fox, Garrett: Voluntarily Coming From Truth and Change
Geddes, Raymond:My Story
McIntyre, Terry: How I Became a Voluntaryist
Mower, Brodie: My Voluntaryist Story
Raska, Matt: From Xenophobe to Anarchist

As you view our website, please remember that it is a labor of love and search for the truth. If you find anything of value here, please let us know by clicking on the Support Us button below. Your gifts to our work are not tax-deductible. Our efforts are bound by conscience and goodwill, not government regulation or political privilege. We refuse to be numbered or supervised by any government agency.

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